The key to the Ultimate Liposuction results is maintaining proportions. Lipo 360 is a way to maintain proportions all the way around the body. Today’s video presentation reviews Lipo 360, Tumescent Liposuction and Liposculpture, all three techniques are used to maximize your liposuction results.
Lipo 360 Video Presentation
Liposuction includes cosmetic surgical procedures designed to sculpt the subcutaneous fat and reveal the aesthetic curves of the body. In this video segment from the latest episode of KRON 4’s Body Beautiful, we review what Liposuction accomplishes. Host Janelle Marie and I reveal the versatility of liposuction, and who is a good candidate for the procedure. Many different areas of the body are treated from the chin to the thighs. Judge the results yourself in the numerous 360 Liposuction Before and After Pictures.
Tumescent Liposuction Before and After Pictures
The before and after pictures featured in today’s video are available in this recent Lipo 360 post on the San Francisco Plastic Surgery Blog.

Lipo360 is used to remove fat from all the way around the trunk: the abdomen, the back and the sides. Above liposuction before and after pictures show how the back contours respond when the skin has good tone.
The image above is one of the before and after pictures featured on the Liposuction Video introduction. It is an example of Lipo360 of the trunk. The patient had circumferential liposuction to reduce her abdomen, flanks and back. From this view, reduction of the bra roll, love handles and the lower backs muffin top is apparent.
Lipo 360 Consultations
When it comes to Liposuction you want to consult with an expert. Liposuction is art and a science. Choose a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon with an eye for aesthetics and the experience to back it up. It is the technician, not the technique that determines the outcome. The best liposuction machine cannot provide the best results without an experienced plastic surgeon who possesses a clear vision of how to reach the goal. For consultations in the greater San Francisco Bay Area, call (925) 943-6353 to schedule your appointment.
The post Lipo 360 Video Presentation first appeared on Dr Mele.