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Lipo 360 / 365 Whatever it Takes.


What is Lipo 360? If you are researching Liposuction, you may have come across the term. Lipo 360 is a marketing term that means Liposuction performed 360 degrees around the body. Most commonly this applies to the torso, but Lipo 360 can also apply to liposuction all the way around the thighs.

Lipo 360

The following is an example of Lipo360. This patient had circumferential liposuction of her trunk to reduce the size of her abdomen, flanks and back. From this view, reduction of the bra roll and the lower back’s muffin top is apparent.

Lipo360 Liposuction before and after pictures - back

Lipo360 is used to remove fat from all the way around the trunk: the abdomen, the back and the sides. Above liposuction before and after pictures show how the back contours respond when the skin has good tone.

It’s important to note that Lipo 360 is not a trademark, brand name, or special type of liposuction. It is just a marketing buzzword, and does not represent a specific technique or result. Any qualified liposuction surgeon can claim to offer Lipo 360.

Liposuction is Very Versatile

Liposuction is probably the most versatile of all the Cosmetic Plastic Surgery procedures. A qualified and experienced plastic surgeon can remove small or large amounts of fat (up to five liters at a time) with liposuction from almost anyplace you can point to. What follows are a few examples of results obtained with Liposuction.

Lipo 365

Liposuction is performed almost every day. It is a safe way to remove disproportionate fat from discrete areas of the body. This first example is liposuction of the thighs. This patient complained of her thighs rubbing. This can often cause irritation, sweating, rashes, discoloration and in rare cases, infection. Focused, tumescent liposuction was performed to remove the overstuffed area.

Lipo360 Liposuction before and after pictures - thighs

Liposuction of the thighs can remove disproportionate fat from between the legs and open the gap between the thighs.

After Liposuction this patient is very happy with new contours. Her thighs appear thinner, fit better in clothing and now have a gap, preventing rubbing and irritation. In this case, Lipo 360 was not necessary as her outer thighs were already thin.

More Lipo360

Here is another example of Lipo 360. This patient was bothered by the disproportionate fat of her trunk. Fat was removed from her bra line, lower back muffin top and upper and lower abdominal rolls were also removed.

Lipo360 Liposuction before and after pictures - abdomen and back

Lipo360 is used to remove fat from all the way around the trunk: the abdomen, the back and the sides. In this case, the lower abdomen and lower back were targeted for fat removal.

The result is a smoother abdomen, sides and back. This looks good in the above photos and also improves the lay of her clothes. Her tops and dresses hang smoothly, without the bulges seen in the before pictures.

Liposuction of the Chest for Gynecomastia

Another area in which I use Liposuction every week is for Male Breast Reduction. Also known as Gynecomastia Reduction, the procedure is usually a combination of Liposuction to remove fat and direct excision to remove the tough glandular tissue that resides beneath the nipples.

Lipo360 Liposuction before and after pictures - male chest gynecomastia

Liposuction of the chest is used for men with gynecomastia. In addition, the tough glandular tissue is removed via an incision around the areolae.

Incision placement is key in Gynecomastia Reduction. Small incisions are placed in the armpits for Liposuction, and a curved incision from 4 to 8 o’clock is placed around the areola to remove the gland. The result is a masculine chest that looks good in and out of a tight shirt.

Neck Liposuction?

This next example is provided to show that Liposuction has limits. In the examples above, the patients’ skin was smooth and elastic before surgery. In the case below, there is disproportionate fat under the chin, but the skin is loose. If Lipo is performed by itself, the result would be a deflated gobbler. The skin would hang more after liposuction because it would lose the support provided by the fat.

Lipo360 Liposuction before and after pictures - neck

Liposuction is used under the neck to remove excess fat. In this case, however, the skin was loose, so liposuction was combined with a neck lift for a great result.

To make this neck look tight and youthful, Liposuction was used to remove the fat and a Neck Lift was performed as part of a Facelift to tighten the skin. Proper surgical selection is key to good results.

Liposuction Consultations

When considering Liposuction, be certain to consult with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon with experience. It is the technician, not the technique that determines the outcome. The best liposuction machine cannot provide the best results without an experienced plastic surgeon who possesses a clear vision of how to reach the goal. For consultations in the greater San Francisco Bay Area, call (925) 943-6353 to schedule your appointment.

The post Lipo 360 / 365 Whatever it Takes. first appeared on Dr Mele.

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