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Breast Implant Revision Before and After Pictures – Capsular Contracture SF Bay Area


Breast Augmentation Revision for Capsular Contracture

Breast Augmentation Revision for Capsular Contracture. Notice the decreased volume, increased hardness and irritated red color in the before picture on the left. After release, the breast are softened and expanded. (To view uncensored before and after photos, click on the image.)

There are many different reasons for Breast Implant Revision Surgery. Possible causes include:

  • Capsular Contracture
  • Breast Implant Malposition:
    • Too high
    • Too Low (Bottoming out)
    • Too close (Symmastia, Uniboob, Bread loafing)
    • Too far apart (in the armpits)
  • Breast Implant Deflation
  • Breasts sagging off implants (Waterfall deformity)

Capsular Contracture

One of the most common reasons for Breast Implant Revision Surgery is Capsular Contracture. So what is the capsule and what is contracture?

When you have Breast Augmentation, a pocket is created for the breast implant behind the native breast tissue. As this pocket matures, your body creates a thin layer of scar around the breast implant. This scar pocket is called the capsule, and it is very important because the capsule holds the breast implant in place, preventing it from migrating. Capsular Contracture occurs when the scar lining the breast implant pocket contracts, squeezing and distorting the breast implant.

Breast Augmentation Revision for Capsular Contracture Unilateral

Capsular contracture often affects just one side. In the case above, the right breast implant is higher and tighter than the left before surgery. After surgery symmetry is restored.
(To view uncensored before and after photos, click on the image.)

The above patient has mild capsular contracture affecting only her right breast. She was able to compensate for the difference in upper pole fullness by tightening her left bra strap. During the Breast Augmentation Revision, a capsulotomy was performed to expand the right breast capsule and lower the right breast implant.

Grades of Capsular Contracture

A scar around the breast implant is normal. Without the scar pocket, the breast implant will bottom out and move to the sides. On the other hand, too much scar causes problems with implants riding too high or becoming too hard.

Capsular Contracture is normally classified into four grades (I-IV), but I like to add grade zero for malposition problems caused by not enough scar support.

  • Grade 0 – not enough support causing breast implant malposition
  • Grade I – normal soft
  • Grade II – firm but no visible distortion of breast shape
  • Grade III – hard causing visible distortion of the breast shape
  • Grade IV – like grade III but is also painful

Breast Augmentation Revision for Capsular Contracture Unilateral

Severe unilateral capsular contracture – The right breast so high that it would be hard to disguise in clothing. After treatment for capsular contracture, the breasts are much more even.
(To view uncensored before and after photos, click on the image.)

The patient above has severe contracture of the right breast, which was noticeable both in and out of clothing. A capsulectomy was performed to remove the previous capsule, expand the pocket, lower the breast implant and reset the formation of a new capsule. Now both her breasts are soft and even.

Breast Implant Revision

If you have Breast Implants but are unhappy with their size, placement or firmness, Breast Implant Revision is worth considering. To schedule a private consultation, call (925) 943-6353, today. Breast Implants have changed in the last few years, and there are new options available.

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