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Tummy Tucks in the SF Bay Area (Abdominoplasty)


The Tummy Tuck remains one of the most popular Cosmetic Plastic Surgery procedures. It reduces the belly bulge and tightens both skin and muscle. Also known as Abdominoplasty, the procedure is frequently performed as part of a Mommy Makeover and after weight loss.

Tummy Tuck Before and After Pictures

No more Toddler Tummy. Pregnancy stretches the belly. A Tummy Tuck tightens it back up.

No more Toddler Tummy. Pregnancy stretches the belly. A Tummy Tuck tightens it back up.

What Does a Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Do?

Abdominoplasty is a layered repair of a stretched abdominal wall. An incision is placed low across the abdomen, below the belt or bikini line, to remove the excess abdominal wall skin, but there is more to a Tummy Tuck than skin removal. The foundation of the abdominal wall, the muscle layer, is also repaired. Muscle fascia (case) is tightened down the middle of the belly from top to bottom underneath the skin. There is no visible scar from this portion of the procedure, as it is performed through the skin tightening incision. This further flattens the tummy. A third layer is also fixed. Between the muscle and the skin is another tough layer, Scarpa’s Fascia. Repairing this layer provides a third layer of support and helps relieve tension on the skin, providing a better scar.

Abdominoplasty Before and After Pictures

Abdominoplasty provides tighter skin and muscles after pregnancy or weight loss.

Abdominoplasty provides tighter skin and muscles after pregnancy or weight loss.

Beautiful Bellies After Babies

The Tummy Tuck Before and After Pictures above show the improvement possible with Abdominoplasty. The loose, crepey skin draping over the belly button and collecting on the lower abdomen is removed. The after picture shows smooth skin, and now the belly button is visible. Moreover, the abdominal muscles are pulled together like a corset providing a flattened abdominal wall. The outer edges of the rectus muscle are visible above as shadows. In the before picture, the shadows are along the sides of the loose skin. In the after picture, they are the cut lines running vertically on the now flat abdominal wall. Tightening of the abdominal wall muscles is even more obvious in the Abdominoplasty Before and After Pictures below.

Abdominal Tightening Before and After Photos

The Battle of the Belly Bulge has been won. The Tummy Tuck removes lower abdominal fat and skin while tightening the abdominal muscles.

The Battle of the Belly Bulge has been won. The Tummy Tuck removes lower abdominal fat and skin while tightening the abdominal muscles.

The Secret to Tummy Tucks

Beware of gimmicks, brand name tummy tucks and mini procedures promising maxi results. The secret to you getting the best Tummy Tuck results possible is in the hands of your Plastic Surgeon. The skills of your Board Certified Plastic Surgeon are what make the difference between a good result and a great result. Do your homework, and find an experienced and Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who you can communicate with. It is easy to check them out online:

Is your Plastic Surgeon Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery?
Does your Plastic Surgeon have an Unrestricted California Medical License? (Other States)
Is your Plastic Surgeon a Member of the Aesthetic Society (the premier American organization of board certified plastic surgeons dedicated to cosmetic surgery)?

Tummy Tuck Consultations

As a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon with 17 years of Private Practice experience dedicated to Cosmetic Plastic Surgery, I know there is no substitute for an in-person consultation with a qualified doctor.

If you are in the San Francisco Bay Area, considering Abdominoplasty, call (925) 943-6353 today to make a personalized Tummy Tuck Consultation. While the generalized information available on the San Francisco Plastic Surgery Blog and on the Internet can provide a generalized framework, during an in-person consultation your questions will be answered specifically to your needs.

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