Liposuction removes disproportionate fat through small incisions. Today, we discuss the most common areas for liposculpture: the trunk, abdomen, flanks and back. The circumferential liposuction of the trunk has become known as Lipo 360.
Liposuction of the Abdomen and Flanks
Lipo 360 is liposuction 360 degrees around the trunk. In the Lipo 360 before and after pictures below, you can see the results of Liposculpture of the front half of the trunk, the abdomen and flanks (sides).

Liposuction of the abdomen and flanks can reduce the disproportionate fat of the trunk, and works best when the skin has excellent elasticity and recoil.
Liposculpture is the same as Liposuction, but the term emphasizes that the procedure is more than the technical removal of fat. The patient above enjoyed her curves, but wanted to smooth out the excess fat causing bulges in clothing around the lower abdomen, flanks and back. Tumescent Liposuction was used to remove fat from the abdomen, sides and back to smooth out the bulges, but also sculpt her curves. Her skin had excellent tone and elasticity, so in this case a Tummy Tuck was unnecessary.
Liposuction of the Abdomen
The next patient was also looking to avoid Abdominoplasty. Her lower abdominal skin covers a large, disproportionate collection of fat. She had minimal intra abdominal fat and was happy with the appearance of her upper abdomen. She was warned that the lower abdominal skin would need to recoiler a smooth result, and that if it did not, a Tummy Tuck would be needed to achieve the flat belly she desired.

Liposuction of the abdomen does not always give these dramatic results. This patient had no skin laxity and a large amount of disproportionate fat. Liposuction removed the fat and the skin recoiled very well.
The above case is pushing the limits of Liposuction, but her skin elasticity was excellent as was her result. The excess fat was removed via small incisions hidden in the umbilicus (belly button) and below the groin. Ports are used to protect the skin during surgery and speed the healing of the small scars. She obtained her goal with little evidence of surgical intervention. It is important to note that the more fat which is removed from an area, the higher the risk of skin irregularities and skin folds.
Liposuction of the Back and Flanks
Liposuction of the Back completes our 360 degree Liposculpture of the Trunk. The lower back and muffin top are common areas of concern for patients considering Lipo.

Liposuction of the back and flanks can remove love handles and the muffin top they cause. Since the back skin is the thickest on the body, pinching the area may still feel thick, but for the properly selected patient, the change is easily noticeable.
Suction Assisted Liposuction (SAL) was utilized to remove the disproportionate fat from the above patient’s love handles. The results are clearly seen, and she was able to wear a larger variety of clothing comfortably. The bulges that occurred above her belt line were significantly reduced, while her confidence, on the other hand, was significantly increased.
Liposuction Consultation
When considering Liposuction you want to choose an experienced Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. For Liposculpture Consultations in the greater San Francisco Bay Area, call (925) 943-6353 and schedule an appointment. It is the technician, not the technique that determines your results.
The post Liposuction of the Abdomen, Flanks and Back first appeared on Dr Mele.