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Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction


Gynecomastia (guy-ne-co-mas-ti-ah) is the medical term for a benign overgrowth of male breast tissue. While it is not dangerous, it can be very uncomfortable both physically and emotionally.

Male Breast Reduction Before and After Pictures - Gynecomastia Before and After Photos

Male Breast Reduction Before and After Pictures – A large amount of tissue was removed with Liposuction and Direct Excision to masculinize this patient’s chest. He had good skin elasticity, so skin removal was not necessary. Note that his areolae are elevated and smaller after removing the extra stuffing.

What Is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is enlargement of the male breast tissue. It can result in a wide range of presentations. A small amount of tissue beneath the nipple that feels firm, may go completely unnoticed, while large volumes of male breast tissue may be difficult to hide, even in loose fitting clothes.

I see many men who chose darker colors, patterns and loose shirts to disguise embarrassing enlargements of their chests. After Gynecomastia Reduction, my patients feel confident in or out of their shirts.

What Causes Gynecomastia?

There are many causes, but most Gynecomastia is idiopathic – a fancy term for “doctors don’t know what causes it”. The amount of breast tissue we are meant to have is likely encoded in our genes. A combination of genetic disposition and hormone levels is likely the trigger, with estrogen playing a key role. While hormone levels are usually normal in men with gynecomastia, the estrogen receptors may be more sensitive, causing excessive breast tissue growth.

All newborns are born with Gynecomastia. Every child has small, puffy nipples due to the influence of their mother’s estrogen on the newborn’s breast tissue. Since infants can’t make estrogen, the levels drop during the first few months of life, and the breasts flatten out.

During puberty, estrogen levels rise again. In women, this gives rise to normal breast growth. This is true for two-thirds of men as well. Rising estrogen levels also cause breast growth; however, this breast development is undesirable and the source of much embarrassment for teenage boys. Fortunately, for half of these men, the breast tissue shrinks after a couple of years; for the rest, Gynecomastia Reduction performed by a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon is an option.

How Is Gynecomastia Treated?

Male Breast Reduction Before and After Pictures - Gynecomastia Before and After Photos

Gynecomastia Reduction Before and After Photos – In cases where the skin is tight and the glandular tissue associated with gynecomastia is soft, Liposuction alone is used to contour the chest.

The most common, safe and effective treatment for gynecomastia is surgery. For small amounts of soft, fatty tissue (pseudogynecomastia), Liposuction is extremely effective. An example of Male Breast Reduction with Liposuction is shown above.

For small amounts of very dense breast tissue located just under the nipple, surgical excision via an incision along the edge of the areola is the treatment of choice. The firm breast tissue is too tough to remove with liposuction, but direct excision works very well, as seen in the Gynecomastia Reduction Before and After Pictures below.

Male Breast Reduction Before and After Pictures - Gynecomastia Before and After Photos

Male Breast Reduction Before and After Pictures – For “Puffy Nipples” the tough subareolar gland tissue was removed via a small incision placed along the lower border of the areolae. The rest of the chest fullness is all muscle.

For the majority of men, a combination of Liposuction and Gynecomastia Reduction via excession is what is needed to achieve a great result. This allows for maximum contouring with minimum scarring.

In the case below, the peripheral fat disguises a large amount of firm tissue in the center of his breasts. The combination of Liposuction and Direct Excision was the perfect combination to smooth things out for this Male Breast Reduction Surgery.

Male Breast Reduction Before and After Pictures - Gynecomastia Before and After Photos

Male Breast Reduction Before and After Pictures – A large amount of tissue was removed with Liposuction and Direct Excision was used to remove the tough tissue from beneath the nipples. Good skin elasticity is a must in these cases.

Achieving a masculine chest after massive weight loss is very desirable and a common reason for men to seek plastic surgery. In this case, skin resection is also a must. The removal of loose, saggy skin allows for better contouring. Additional incisions placed in the fold under the breasts are necessary for a good result. Sometimes the nipple/areolar complex needs to be lifted at the same time. Below is an example for Male Breast Reduction and Lift after massive weight loss.

Male Breast Reduction Before and After Pictures - Gynecomastia Before and After Photos

Gynecomastia Reduction Before and After Photos – In cases when the skin is loose and the nipples are low, an additional incision is placed in the inframammary fold to remove the sagging, redundant skin. The after picture is relatively recent so you can see the healing incision. The nipples were reduced and elevated as skin grafts. The IMF scar becomes harder to see as it heals.

In the case above, an incision was made in the inframammary fold to remove sagging, excess skin. The nipples were repositioned onto the chest wall as skin grafts; they are higher and smaller in the after photo. The combination of surgical techniques performed in this gynecomastia reduction surgery gave this patient the masculine chest he desired.

Male Breast Reduction Consultations

A thoughtful consultation appointment is the best way to find out how Male Breast Reduction can be tailored to your specific needs. If you are considering Gynecomastia Reduction, consult an experienced and Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. In the San Francisco Bay Area call (925) 943-6353 to schedule your private consultation appointment.

The post Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction first appeared on Dr Mele.

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